
Children have done small experiments with magnets in the lower classes. These experiments play a major role in developing scientific curiosity in children. This chapter serves to further discuss and consolidate the concepts while reiterating in detail the concepts of magnetism introduced in the lower classes. This chapter explains the concept of the magnetic field, magnetic lines of force, its characteristics, and magnetic flux density in detail.


  1. Understand and explain the concepts of the magnetic field, magnetic lines of force, magnetic flux density, etc.
  2. By studying magnetic fields, lines of force, and flux density, students can develop a deep understanding of the behavior and properties of magnets.
  3. Students are able to understand and explain the characteristics of magnetic lines of force.
  4. Magnetic fields and flux density are present in various natural and man-made systems. By studying these concepts, they can analyze and explain various magnetic phenomena, such as the behavior of compass needles, the Earth's magnetic field, etc.

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